Democratic dilemma is the dilemma between the control of congress and the strong leadership of the president. Democracy needs to have congress control over the president, but strong country needs to have strong president. So, Congress's too strong controls not only support the president's judge but also weaken his prestige.


For the US foreign policy, America was made from many cultural groups, so foreign policy should be modest. And, for the powerful execution of the America, it tends to make an arbitrary decision. To keep the prestige and the Soft Power for the other countries, democratic dilemma takes the important role in US foreign policy.


To resolve this dilemma, the President often used the Crisis. Vietnam War was the "crisis" for the domino expansion of communism. Iraq War made by W. Bush was said to be the expansion of WMD illegally. Obama's huge financial support was also the response to the financial crisis.


Though, these "resolution" may danger for democracy, so it needed to be careful for the President.






このページは、okneigeが2009年9月13日 20:23に書いたブログ記事です。


次のブログ記事は「テレビ朝日 日曜洋画劇場「9.11 アメリカ同時多発テロ 最後の真実」」です。
